

Most packages ship from our warehouse within 24 hours!

We periodically experience delays with the US Postal Service and cannot guarantee delivery within the usual time frame of 2-3 days. Unless notified otherwise, your order will leave our facility in a timely manner - usually the next business day, but we cannot guarantee a specific delivery date using USPS.

For orders required by a certain date, your best options are UPS 3 Day Select, 2nd Day Air or Next Day Air. 

Many products may be out of stock for an extended amount of time due to climate or political issues. If there's an item you're seeking, we're happy to put you on a waiting list.

United States shipping:

Our shipping rates are calculated based on distance, weight & carrier, shipping from zip code 08204. Shipping quotes are provided by the carrier, either the US Postal Service Priority Mail or UPS. We do not add any additional handling fees. 

Orders must be placed before 10 am for same-day shipping. Otherwise, orders are usually shipped within 24 hours.

We may require a signature on larger orders for delivery to ensure receipt. It is for your protection as well as ours.

If you live in a non-secure area or apartment building, please consider shipping to your place of business or a friend/relative that would be available to accept your package. We want to ensure that your order arrives to you safely! Scents of Earth is not liable for stolen, mis-delivered or undelivered packages.

International Shipping:

Please be advised that all international orders may be subject to customs fees or duties upon arrival in your country. You are responsible for those fees issued by your government. We cannot alter customs documentation to a lower price or change the products.

International orders may not have updated tracking information once they leave the United States. While we may be able to assist you in finding a missing package, we are not liable for non-delivery or missing packages. 

We do not ship to the following countries: Iran, Cuba, North Korea, South Korea, China, Laos, Vietnam, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

On packages returned to us for any reason (non-delivery, failure to pickup package, customs non-payment, etc...) only the merchandise value will be refunded. There are no refunds issued for shipping on international orders.